Yankelevich Yu I Pedagogicheskoe Nasledie Rating: 3,8/5 961 reviews

The problems of bringing up in family in conditions of globalization of the society are discussed in the article. Family is a substantial part of child’s life, that is why family as the institute of education is high important, and none of the educational institutions can be compared with the family in the duration in their influence on the personality. The family may act as both a positive and a negative factor of education. Due to the special educational role of the family, the question arises how to enhance positive and minimize negative influence of the family in the process of child upbringing. For this reason, it is necessary to define the relations within the family, socio-psychological factors that have educational value.

A certain not always realized system of education is objectively formed in every family. We mean the goals of education and the drafting tasks, and more or less consistent application of methods and techniques of education, considering what can and what cannot be allowed for a child. Scientists determined four educational tactics in the family and the corresponding four types of relationships, which are the prerequisite and the result of their appearance: dictatorship, patronizing, «non-interference» and cooperation.

600 Our cheapest price for The Russian Violin School The Legacy of Yuri Yankelevich is $110.39. Free shipping on all orders over $35.00. Tagil'tseva Yu. Sistema formirovaniya polozhitel'noy motivatsii i propaganda zdorovogo obraza zhizni v ramkakh VFSK «Gotov k trudu i oborone» // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii.

The last decades in various sciences and fields of human activity more attention is drawn to globalization. Globalization affects all processes, including the family. In conditions of the current changes, family is most exposed to its both negative and positive factors.

To determine the prospects of the current family transformations, it is reasonable to consider changes of the family in connection with the process of globalization, taking into account the global changes in the world. At present, despite all the difficulties, the family continues to be the main institution of socialization of children even in new socio-economic conditions. Thus, the way parents will be able to adapt to new realities caused by sharp changes in the socio-economic conditions concerning family life will result in carrying out its socializing role as well as its impact on the value orientation of the young generation. Keywords • • globalization of society • • family • • typology of family • • model of family • • the structure of family • • marital family and inter family relations • • family traditions • • family communication • • family upbringing. References • Ostrovskaya L.

Besedy s roditelyami o nravstvennom vospitanii doshkol'nika [Discussions of the Moral Education of Preschool Children with Parents]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1987.

• Sultanova N., Tsil'ko N. Doshkol'naya pedagogika. • Kul'tura semeinykh otnoshenii [Culture of Family Relationships]: sb.

Moscow: Znanie, 1980. • Pulkkinen L. 555 timer pro ex serial keygens. Psikhologiya lichnosti i obraz zhizni [Psychology of Personality and Lifestyle].

Pomoshch' trudnym detyam [Problem Children Assistance]. Mladenets i rebenok: ot rozhdeniya do pyati let [Infant and Child: from Birth to Five Years]. • Malenkova L.

Teoriya i metodika vospitaniya [Theory and Metodology of Education]. O-vo Rossii, 2002. • Stepanov V. Psikhologiya trudnykh shkol'nikov [Psychology of Problem Schoolchildren].

Moscow: Akademiya,1998. • Vasil'eva E. Sem'ya v sotsialisticheskom obshchestve [Family in Socialist Society]. Moscow: Mysl', 1985. • Yurichka Yu.

Diagnostika i sotsializatsiya lichnosti nesovershennoletnego pravonarushitelya [Diagnosis and Socialization of the Juvenile Offender Personality]. Vospitanie detei v nepolnoi sem'e [The Education of Children in Single-Parent Family].

Moscow: Progress, 1980. • Zasluzhenyuk V. Roditeli i deti: Vzaimoponimanie ili otchuzhdenie [Parents and Children: Understanding or Alienation]? Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1996. • Podlasyi I.

Reggae Drum Kit Pack 1: a selection of various Reggae Drums for DJs and producers. This Reggae drum kit (pack 1) contains various samples such as rim shots, kicks, hi hats, snares, toms, shakers and more. March out riddim zippyshare. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. By using this website you agree to our cookie policy. 1995 1996 1997 reggae & dancehall riddims collection purchase 300+ updated reggae and dancehall riddim promo packs from 1995 to 1997 below: current 1995-97 riddim list (march, 2019): 1. 2nd chance riddim (annex) 1995 2. 19 oh long riddim 3. 70s riddim (shocking vibes)96 4. 100% riddim (shelly power) view/download. Artist: Graphyt label: Never Say Die Black Label genre: Dubstep / Riddim year: March 04/19 quality: 320 kbps size: ~ 19mb type: 2 tracks uploaded: Our FTP / Uploadboy / Userscloud (like ZippyShare). Mistakes - Out Now CD (1998) 1 Make No Mistake 2 Ordinary Day 3 Stand in Line 4 Can't You See 5 I'm in Front Now 6 Looking for a Way *Sense of Freedom (from A Full English Breakfast compilation).

Pedagogika: v 2-kh kn. [Pedagogy: in 2 Vol.]. • Klemantovich I. Vospitanie shkol'nikov. • Makarenko A.

Lektsii o vospitanii [Lections on Education]. • Vospitanie trudnogo rebenka: Deti s deviantnym povedeniem [Upbringing of Problem Child: Children with Deviant Behavior]. Moscow: VLADOS, 2001. Semeinaya pedagogika [Family Pedagogy]. • Bordovskaya N. Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. • Bruk den Zh.

Rukovodstvo dlya detei, u kotorykh trudnye roditeli [Manual for Children with Problem Parents]. Saint Petersburg: Rech', 2001. Rebenok iz neblagopoluchnoi sem'i (zapiski det-skogo psikhiatra) [Child from a Dysfunctional Family (Notes of a Child Psychiatrist)].

Yankelevich Yu I Pedagogicheskoe Nasledie Rating: 3,8/5 961 reviews

The problems of bringing up in family in conditions of globalization of the society are discussed in the article. Family is a substantial part of child’s life, that is why family as the institute of education is high important, and none of the educational institutions can be compared with the family in the duration in their influence on the personality. The family may act as both a positive and a negative factor of education. Due to the special educational role of the family, the question arises how to enhance positive and minimize negative influence of the family in the process of child upbringing. For this reason, it is necessary to define the relations within the family, socio-psychological factors that have educational value.

A certain not always realized system of education is objectively formed in every family. We mean the goals of education and the drafting tasks, and more or less consistent application of methods and techniques of education, considering what can and what cannot be allowed for a child. Scientists determined four educational tactics in the family and the corresponding four types of relationships, which are the prerequisite and the result of their appearance: dictatorship, patronizing, «non-interference» and cooperation.

600 Our cheapest price for The Russian Violin School The Legacy of Yuri Yankelevich is $110.39. Free shipping on all orders over $35.00. Tagil'tseva Yu. Sistema formirovaniya polozhitel'noy motivatsii i propaganda zdorovogo obraza zhizni v ramkakh VFSK «Gotov k trudu i oborone» // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii.

The last decades in various sciences and fields of human activity more attention is drawn to globalization. Globalization affects all processes, including the family. In conditions of the current changes, family is most exposed to its both negative and positive factors.

To determine the prospects of the current family transformations, it is reasonable to consider changes of the family in connection with the process of globalization, taking into account the global changes in the world. At present, despite all the difficulties, the family continues to be the main institution of socialization of children even in new socio-economic conditions. Thus, the way parents will be able to adapt to new realities caused by sharp changes in the socio-economic conditions concerning family life will result in carrying out its socializing role as well as its impact on the value orientation of the young generation. Keywords • • globalization of society • • family • • typology of family • • model of family • • the structure of family • • marital family and inter family relations • • family traditions • • family communication • • family upbringing. References • Ostrovskaya L.

Besedy s roditelyami o nravstvennom vospitanii doshkol'nika [Discussions of the Moral Education of Preschool Children with Parents]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1987.

• Sultanova N., Tsil'ko N. Doshkol'naya pedagogika. • Kul'tura semeinykh otnoshenii [Culture of Family Relationships]: sb.

Moscow: Znanie, 1980. • Pulkkinen L. 555 timer pro ex serial keygens. Psikhologiya lichnosti i obraz zhizni [Psychology of Personality and Lifestyle].

Pomoshch' trudnym detyam [Problem Children Assistance]. Mladenets i rebenok: ot rozhdeniya do pyati let [Infant and Child: from Birth to Five Years]. • Malenkova L.

Teoriya i metodika vospitaniya [Theory and Metodology of Education]. O-vo Rossii, 2002. • Stepanov V. Psikhologiya trudnykh shkol'nikov [Psychology of Problem Schoolchildren].

Moscow: Akademiya,1998. • Vasil'eva E. Sem'ya v sotsialisticheskom obshchestve [Family in Socialist Society]. Moscow: Mysl', 1985. • Yurichka Yu.

Diagnostika i sotsializatsiya lichnosti nesovershennoletnego pravonarushitelya [Diagnosis and Socialization of the Juvenile Offender Personality]. Vospitanie detei v nepolnoi sem'e [The Education of Children in Single-Parent Family].

Moscow: Progress, 1980. • Zasluzhenyuk V. Roditeli i deti: Vzaimoponimanie ili otchuzhdenie [Parents and Children: Understanding or Alienation]? Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1996. • Podlasyi I.

Reggae Drum Kit Pack 1: a selection of various Reggae Drums for DJs and producers. This Reggae drum kit (pack 1) contains various samples such as rim shots, kicks, hi hats, snares, toms, shakers and more. March out riddim zippyshare. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. By using this website you agree to our cookie policy. 1995 1996 1997 reggae & dancehall riddims collection purchase 300+ updated reggae and dancehall riddim promo packs from 1995 to 1997 below: current 1995-97 riddim list (march, 2019): 1. 2nd chance riddim (annex) 1995 2. 19 oh long riddim 3. 70s riddim (shocking vibes)96 4. 100% riddim (shelly power) view/download. Artist: Graphyt label: Never Say Die Black Label genre: Dubstep / Riddim year: March 04/19 quality: 320 kbps size: ~ 19mb type: 2 tracks uploaded: Our FTP / Uploadboy / Userscloud (like ZippyShare). Mistakes - Out Now CD (1998) 1 Make No Mistake 2 Ordinary Day 3 Stand in Line 4 Can't You See 5 I'm in Front Now 6 Looking for a Way *Sense of Freedom (from A Full English Breakfast compilation).

Pedagogika: v 2-kh kn. [Pedagogy: in 2 Vol.]. • Klemantovich I. Vospitanie shkol'nikov. • Makarenko A.

Lektsii o vospitanii [Lections on Education]. • Vospitanie trudnogo rebenka: Deti s deviantnym povedeniem [Upbringing of Problem Child: Children with Deviant Behavior]. Moscow: VLADOS, 2001. Semeinaya pedagogika [Family Pedagogy]. • Bordovskaya N. Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. • Bruk den Zh.

Rukovodstvo dlya detei, u kotorykh trudnye roditeli [Manual for Children with Problem Parents]. Saint Petersburg: Rech', 2001. Rebenok iz neblagopoluchnoi sem'i (zapiski det-skogo psikhiatra) [Child from a Dysfunctional Family (Notes of a Child Psychiatrist)].