No approved descriptions in database. There are no descriptions available for Tecmo Cup - Football Game (Spain) in our database. You can help us out by submitting a description for this title.
Tecmo Cup Football (J) [h1C].zip for - Sega Genesis @ Dope Roms. Serving 171,589 ROMs For 144 Consoles With 218 Emulators & 9,279 Cheats. Sega Game Gear. Tecmo Cup Football Game is a cancelled 1993. To the end of the article is intended for the ROM version of the game intended for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. For Tecmo Cup Soccer Game on the NES. Tecmo; Release: September 1992 » Also Known As: Captain Tsubasa (JP), Tecmo Cup Football Game.
Chances are, that since you are here, you must have either played or are going to play this game. It would be really great if you could please submit a description for this title as that makes emuparadise.org a more complete resource for other visitors.
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No approved descriptions in database. There are no descriptions available for Tecmo Cup - Football Game (Spain) in our database. You can help us out by submitting a description for this title.
Tecmo Cup Football (J) [h1C].zip for - Sega Genesis @ Dope Roms. Serving 171,589 ROMs For 144 Consoles With 218 Emulators & 9,279 Cheats. Sega Game Gear. Tecmo Cup Football Game is a cancelled 1993. To the end of the article is intended for the ROM version of the game intended for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. For Tecmo Cup Soccer Game on the NES. Tecmo; Release: September 1992 » Also Known As: Captain Tsubasa (JP), Tecmo Cup Football Game.
Chances are, that since you are here, you must have either played or are going to play this game. It would be really great if you could please submit a description for this title as that makes emuparadise.org a more complete resource for other visitors.
We approve newly submitted descriptions every day and you will find that it will not take long for your description to appear in this space. Pro crack cleaner. Thanks a lot!
Pulemet kompleksnoi ustanovki co-belligerent 1> soyuznik (v voine), sovoyuyushaya storona co-brother 1> sobrat co-chair 1> sopredsedatel'stvovat' co-chairman 1> sopredsedatel' co-debtor 1> _yur. Proishozhdeniya so znacheniem: 2> sovmestnosti, soedineniya _Ex: condominium kondominium; sovladenie; _Ex: connect soedinyat'; _Ex: consistent sovmestimyi; _Ex: contact kontakt; 3> shodstva, sorazmernosti _Ex: contemporary sovremennyi _Ex: coequal ravnyi; _Ex: compatible sovmestimyi; co-active 1> deistvuyushie sovmestno co-ally 1> soyuznik co-anchor 1> _tlv. Sootvetchik v delah o rastorzhenii braka co- 1> vstrechaetsya v slovah lat. Pomoshnik vedushego (programmu); vtoroi vedushii co-author 1> soavtor 2> pisat', sozdavat' v soavtorstve _Ex: he had written a couple of plays co-authored with somebody else on napisal dve p'esy v soavtorstve s kem-to drugim co-ax noun mil. Sodolzhnik co-ed 1> _am. Obrazec protokola zasedaniya komissii vbi.
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