Jun 2, 2017 - However, many bicycle manufacturers don't use date codes and so you can't easily decode their serial numbers. Some of these manufacturers. Engine Serial Number Decoder Motobecane Serial Number. If the number starts with a K, the frame was made by Kinesis. Next on the serial is '0892' this is easy.
OK people, I've only got another 500 posts remaining, so I've decided to make an attempt at decrypting one last serial number format. It seems Motobecane's format has been giving people fits, so I'm willing to give it a shot, if you want to play along. Most of you already know the drill. Post pictures of your Motobecane (full drive side and detail pictures of major components, tubing decal, headbadge and serial numbers). Provide as much info as possible on the components including brand, model and date codes (when available). Refer to the components page of the Vintage-Trek website if you need a primer on component date codes.
Bonus points if you already know the year. NOTE: Motobecane often have several sets of numbers on the bottom bracket shell. I need ALL of them, as we don't which which holds the key to dating. I'll be tabulating and analyzing the data. A summary of the findings will be posted here (i.e. Hopefully, it will as successful as the other, similar threads (Bianchi, Centurion, Fuji, Miyata, Nishiki, etc.). Great idea and a noble mission.
(Where's the little 'saluting' smilie?) My Grand Record is almost certainly 1974; it has the original Pat 74 Campy RD. (Okay, 'almost certainly' original, take it up with my friend Bill Occam.) SN, as found on the rear non-drive DO: 2993974. There's a single, obscure letter B or possibly a numeral 6 or 8 on the bottom of the BB shell. It would be really neat if the 974 referred to the date, but no way is this that easy!

Here are some pics, 'as found' and current. Tubing is 531 '3 Main Tubes.' Derailleurs are NR (pat 74), Cranks TA, pedals Atom, brakes Weinmann, hubs Maillard 'red label' Competition with Weinmann clinchers. Bars, stem, seat and seatpost had been changed out and Suntour barcons added. I have put the 'correct' NR shifters and a Nitto 'Pearl' stem and bars on, and a recent Brooks Team Pro on an SR LaPrade seatpost. Also Tektro aero levers for the sake of my old, sore hands, and have been trying different pedals, lately 80s Specialized Touring.
Most recently added new wheels, Campy HF hubs with modern Sun rims. My GR has a Swiss thread TA BB, everything else is English sizing. I started a thread specifically for the Grand Record, and several people contributed SNs and pictures.the SNs were all over the place. I also picked up a later 70s Mirage mixte for my daughter; thought I had the SN noted but apparently not; I'll add that later. This is a 1970-'72 Grand record.
Nuovo Record shifting, Normandy 'red label' hubs, Fiamme rims, Stronglight seatpost, competition head set and bottom bracket. Stronglight 49A cranks and Universal 61 calipers. The pedals, brake levers and stem were changed.
The handlebars are still original Pivo. The saddle is not original, Ideal 90 Inside right drop 64316 Outside left drop 6 (2 or 8) 73418 by, on Flickr by, on Flickr by, on Flickr And we have the 1978 Le champ frame. Original color was gold. Nine tubes Reynolds 531, Bocoma competition long point lugs and Huret dropouts.
ScreenShots: Software Description: IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite is apowerful set of tools designed for the professionals and designengineers that need to create and to edit 2D and 3D models. It aims to provide you with totalcontrol over the model and to remove all the designrestrictions. Ironcad keygens and cracks. The Design Collaboration Suite is a all-in-one solution thatincludes IRONCAD, INOVATE, IRONCAD DRAFT, IRONCAD COMPOSE, nativetranslators and viewer products. It willprovide you with all the tools required for making your ideas areality. The application combines the advantages of the ACIS andPARASOLID modelling engines in order to overcome the limits oftraditional 3D applications.
On the BB shell 42(8 or 3)6898-883 by, on Flickr by, on Flickr by, on Flickr. Well, it really interesting to see the variation on the serial number format. Some are on the dropouts (both sides no less), some are the bottom bracket. Some have five characters, most are seven (for the base number). One has a supplemental set of three characters and another has two supplemental sets of three characters. Initial analysis indicates that most appear to follow a simple sequential numbering arrangement.
There are two major exceptions. First is rootboy's Team Champion, which is also the sole sample with a five character number. However, this may be indicative that the Team Champions were made in a separate division. The other exception is Frank's Grand Record which starts with a '6', while others appear to be pre-1979 and don't get above a '4'. Of course, with the limited number of samples at hand, it's too early to make any definitive statements but I just wanted to pop in and thank the contributors and let them know I am working on this. Lugnut, I've got your serial number. I found it while scrounging some other threads for Moto S/N.
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Jun 2, 2017 - However, many bicycle manufacturers don't use date codes and so you can't easily decode their serial numbers. Some of these manufacturers. Engine Serial Number Decoder Motobecane Serial Number. If the number starts with a K, the frame was made by Kinesis. Next on the serial is '0892' this is easy.
OK people, I've only got another 500 posts remaining, so I've decided to make an attempt at decrypting one last serial number format. It seems Motobecane's format has been giving people fits, so I'm willing to give it a shot, if you want to play along. Most of you already know the drill. Post pictures of your Motobecane (full drive side and detail pictures of major components, tubing decal, headbadge and serial numbers). Provide as much info as possible on the components including brand, model and date codes (when available). Refer to the components page of the Vintage-Trek website if you need a primer on component date codes.
Bonus points if you already know the year. NOTE: Motobecane often have several sets of numbers on the bottom bracket shell. I need ALL of them, as we don't which which holds the key to dating. I'll be tabulating and analyzing the data. A summary of the findings will be posted here (i.e. Hopefully, it will as successful as the other, similar threads (Bianchi, Centurion, Fuji, Miyata, Nishiki, etc.). Great idea and a noble mission.
(Where's the little 'saluting' smilie?) My Grand Record is almost certainly 1974; it has the original Pat 74 Campy RD. (Okay, 'almost certainly' original, take it up with my friend Bill Occam.) SN, as found on the rear non-drive DO: 2993974. There's a single, obscure letter B or possibly a numeral 6 or 8 on the bottom of the BB shell. It would be really neat if the 974 referred to the date, but no way is this that easy!

Here are some pics, 'as found' and current. Tubing is 531 '3 Main Tubes.' Derailleurs are NR (pat 74), Cranks TA, pedals Atom, brakes Weinmann, hubs Maillard 'red label' Competition with Weinmann clinchers. Bars, stem, seat and seatpost had been changed out and Suntour barcons added. I have put the 'correct' NR shifters and a Nitto 'Pearl' stem and bars on, and a recent Brooks Team Pro on an SR LaPrade seatpost. Also Tektro aero levers for the sake of my old, sore hands, and have been trying different pedals, lately 80s Specialized Touring.
Most recently added new wheels, Campy HF hubs with modern Sun rims. My GR has a Swiss thread TA BB, everything else is English sizing. I started a thread specifically for the Grand Record, and several people contributed SNs and pictures.the SNs were all over the place. I also picked up a later 70s Mirage mixte for my daughter; thought I had the SN noted but apparently not; I'll add that later. This is a 1970-'72 Grand record.
Nuovo Record shifting, Normandy 'red label' hubs, Fiamme rims, Stronglight seatpost, competition head set and bottom bracket. Stronglight 49A cranks and Universal 61 calipers. The pedals, brake levers and stem were changed.
The handlebars are still original Pivo. The saddle is not original, Ideal 90 Inside right drop 64316 Outside left drop 6 (2 or 8) 73418 by, on Flickr by, on Flickr by, on Flickr And we have the 1978 Le champ frame. Original color was gold. Nine tubes Reynolds 531, Bocoma competition long point lugs and Huret dropouts.
ScreenShots: Software Description: IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite is apowerful set of tools designed for the professionals and designengineers that need to create and to edit 2D and 3D models. It aims to provide you with totalcontrol over the model and to remove all the designrestrictions. Ironcad keygens and cracks. The Design Collaboration Suite is a all-in-one solution thatincludes IRONCAD, INOVATE, IRONCAD DRAFT, IRONCAD COMPOSE, nativetranslators and viewer products. It willprovide you with all the tools required for making your ideas areality. The application combines the advantages of the ACIS andPARASOLID modelling engines in order to overcome the limits oftraditional 3D applications.
On the BB shell 42(8 or 3)6898-883 by, on Flickr by, on Flickr by, on Flickr. Well, it really interesting to see the variation on the serial number format. Some are on the dropouts (both sides no less), some are the bottom bracket. Some have five characters, most are seven (for the base number). One has a supplemental set of three characters and another has two supplemental sets of three characters. Initial analysis indicates that most appear to follow a simple sequential numbering arrangement.
There are two major exceptions. First is rootboy's Team Champion, which is also the sole sample with a five character number. However, this may be indicative that the Team Champions were made in a separate division. The other exception is Frank's Grand Record which starts with a '6', while others appear to be pre-1979 and don't get above a '4'. Of course, with the limited number of samples at hand, it's too early to make any definitive statements but I just wanted to pop in and thank the contributors and let them know I am working on this. Lugnut, I've got your serial number. I found it while scrounging some other threads for Moto S/N.
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